Regardless of the direction, the Merge all option enables you to merge a whole bunch of cells, as long as you highlight them all. One big merged entity will be the resulting cell. You would notice that this option will be invalid if you select a random bunch of cells which are not next to one another.
When you want to select cells in rows from more than one column, the Merge horizontally option is useful and have them merge into rows of cells. Long horizontal cells will be the result in which the previously selected cells are merged from each column. The Merge all would also do the same thing in case you have only selected the cells in one row. It is quite a useful shortcut.
The Merge vertically option, similar to the previous one, enables you to select cells in columns from more than one row and mix and merge cells into columns of cells. As a result, to form single long vertical columns, the cells in the selected columns are merged.
Merge all would also do the same thing, in case you have only selected one column.
Major points while merging cells in Google Sheets
Note down these points while merging cells in google sheets:
If the merged cells already have some content in them, then, in the final merged cell, only the content of the cell that is at the top-left most will take precedence.
You need not worry if the rest of the content gets lost as Google Sheets will definitely warn you beforehand with a prompt and will merge cells in google sheets only when you agree.
To store data in your datasets, it is better to avoid using merged cells, in that case. Because they break the cardinal rule of each piece of data existing in its own cells, that is why they cause issues. When you sort, copy/paste, or move data, they can cause issues with formulas and pivot tables.
In a column that already has merged cells in it, you can not use the Sort function. It will show you an error if you try to do that.
You would still get the same text with the same formatting, if you copy and paste the text in a merged cell to somewhere else in the worksheet but the merged cell will also be copied along with it.You need to copy and paste them if in case, you only want the content of the merged cells and not the merged cells themselves.
Lastly, merging cells must be used with caution even if it is an easy process. They can cause trouble if used incorrectly. Therefore, you should try to use them only for formatting, to be on the safe side.
It makes your work much easier if you merge cells in Google Sheets, since you don’t repeatedly have to type in the same text for different columns or rows.
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