People don’t talk to each other anymore. We simply don't communicate any longer. We communicate via text. We communicate via email. We make Facebook posts. We use Twitter to communicate. And it's killing our capacity to communicate successfully in our job connections, marriages, dating relationships, interactions with our friends, children, nieces and nephews, parents, and siblings. We now yell at the world without ever saying anything. We rant without ever speaking to anyone or picking up the phone. We simply want anonymity, and we've figured out how to avoid the valuable and invaluable art of dialogue after thousands of years as a human race.

The big question is: how can you begin to have a better relationship with your smartphone? And, more crucially, how do we re-establish communication?

Here are some pointers to get you started to learn: 

1.Keep your phone and screen off for the first hour of the day.

Make a positive start to your day. Create a morning routine that doesn't include your smartphone (or tablet!) and empowers you to take charge of your concentration and time. Do whatever it takes to feel connected to yourself, whether it's meditation, journaling, or exercise. I do all three of these things in my morning routine, and if I'm listening to a guided meditation or pleasant music on my jog, I put my phone on airplane mode.

2.Keep your phone and screen off for the last hour of your day.

It will be easier for you to relax, calm your mind, and slow down your nervous system while your body prepares for sleep. This will make it easier for you to fall asleep and will increase the quality of your sleep.

3.Make your bedroom a technology-free zone.

It will be much easier for you to relax and complete steps one and two without your smartphone around. The only exception to this rule is if you read novels in bed on a kindle.

4.Turn off all of your phone's notifications.

That's correct. There won't be any WhatsApp messages pinging your phone every two minutes, and you won't get a notification when someone likes your Instagram picture. Stop reacting and allowing your smartphone to direct your attention. Take control of your attention and decide when you want to use your smartphone to engage with others.

5.If you're around family or friends, keep your phone in your bag.

People don’t talk to each other anymore but they should! It makes no difference if you're getting a cup of coffee, eating dinner, going on a drive, or simply sitting in your living room. If you're with others, talk to them, interact with them, and build a relationship with them. Bringing out your phone when someone is talking to you is impolite and disrespectful since it sends the message that your phone is more essential than them and that they aren't interesting enough. It's not a good idea. Concentrate on your real-life relationships rather than the ones you have on your phone.

6.Every week, take at least one day off.

That's correct. There will be no social media, internet browsing, or Whatsapp. Simply engaging with yourself, others, and the world in a genuine, old-fashioned way. This habit will be difficult to establish at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will become. People can still call you if something is important, so don't worry.


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